3.1. Business Model Overview


3.1.1. Innovative Research Results for REC(Smart Electronic Generator)

REC’s generator is advantageous in that it requires small enough power to be compared to the consumption of existing renewable energy motors and generators when operating renewable energy. Through this, Bitcoin mining is possible.

3.1.2. Technological Value of Next Generation Energy Technology Smart Electronic Generator

3.1.3. Theory of Bandwagoning and Four Laws

REC’s smart electronic generator is a generator designed based on a new theory of Bandwagoning and four laws in the field of electricity and electronics, and the structure in which many electromagnetics are stacked is called a unit. It is a technology that changes the flow of energy history that is designed to produce strong power without rotating by combining innovative structural technologies.

3.1.4. . REC Infranet

Data Collection and Certification

REC Infranet collects various data related to the renewable energy industry from participants in the REC ecosystem participants. These data can be classified into structured and unstructured data and are collected and validated through the processes specified below.

  • Structured Data Structured data refers to various output data, such as power generation, collected through monitoring devices pre-approved by the plant owner. The collected data is verified for reliability through an internal algorithm set in the REC Infranet..

  • Unstructured Data Unstructured data refers to documented information such as REC's smart electronic generator module specifications and construction reports, and can be scanned and uploaded to the REC Infranet. The submitted information will undergo an initial verification required by the verifier and then a verification process that Provers performs to verify the accuracy of the structuring process.

    Ecosystem participants will be rewarded with respect to the percentage of data purchased within the platform when they submit information to REC Infranet. These markets will give incentives to ecosystem participants. In addition, a penalty system is implemented to prevent participants from attempting fraudulent manipulation and to comply with strict verification deadlines.

3.1.5. Data Storage & Application of Blockchain

Data Storage & Application of Blockchain

REC Infranet's data store consists of private storage (off-chain) and public blockchain (on-chain). This is because there is a large amount of data to be collected from REC plants (discrete and continuous data, copied documents, video files, etc.), which reduces the ideal of complete storage on the blockchain. Accordingly, information on data ownership, user authentication, payment, and management of rewards and deposit pools is selectively stored in the blockchain, and the remaining data items are stored off-chain.

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