2.4. Mission


Electricity accounts for more than 60% of greenhouse gases emitted by production and consumption, even though it is one of the fundamentally indispensable resources in our society. So far, 179 countries have joined a collective movement to increase the proportion of renewable energy sources needed to meet global energy demand.

Through the accumulation of global efforts for sustainability, a quarter of the world's generated energy is now powered by clean renewable energy. 1% of total renewable energy production has the clean potential to power 2.2 billion household LED bulbs.

With the successful conversion of renewable energy, improvements in the quality of renewable power plants must now follow. Effective management of renewable energy plants is the next step we should all aspire to on the road to a sustainable future.

Starting with research and development of smart electronic generators in 2015, REC has achieved core success in the renewable energy industry. It will create an industrial efficiency and eco-friendly ecosystem through REC Infranet's blockchain information to help the world's troubled power plant environment, air pollution issues, consumers' costs, and business owners operate more effectively.

Smart electronic generators value that the next-generation energy revolution has become a reality, and will become the center of economic growth in the global electric energy market with the belief that they will save a fine dust-free Earth. It will provide new impetus for the renewable energy industry to move on to the next level of true sustainability.

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